The artist, originally from New York City, primarily works in urban environments of major cities around the world, captivating audiences through his installations and live paintings. He works across many different mediums to subversively depict various iconic pop culture characters. His rise to fame came from exposing the true problems of our society, Capitalism Vs Religion and Wealth. Alec Monopoly's artistic origins stem from his mother, an artist. He later abandoned traditional academically driven art classes to pursue an individual methodology.
as seen on
“Park Place” Solo Exhibition, LAB Art Gallery Los Angeles (2013)
Puma Urban Art Festival, Buenos Aires (2014)
“Capital Games” Solo Exhibition, Above Second Galley Hong Kong (2015)
Moca Bangkok, Alec’s debut Solo Museum Exhibition, Bangkok (2015)
Breaking the Bank on Bond Street Solo Exhibition, London (2018)
Multimedia Museum Moscow (2018)
Miami Art Basel with Eden Fine Art, (2018-2019)
Mykonos $PF Monopoly Solo Exhibition, Nammos (2019)
Eden Rock St Barth’s Solo Exhibit (December 2019)